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Cupping Therapy​

Cupping therapy is a holistic treatment for old and new injuries, treating both external and internal issues.  The healing process is done by increasing blood flow to the affected area, which restores the functionality of damaged tissues.  â€‹


External benefits​

Cupping releases accumulated fluids in the treated area, these toxins are composed of a plethra of non-benefical elements including lactic acid.  Cupping drains these fluids from the bloodstream, further increasing blood cirulation. This Fluid build-up(swelling), drags out the healing process due to the restrictive blood flow to the damaged area, cupping shifts these fluids into other parts of the body that are more capable of naturally riding them from your body.​

  • Headaches and migraines can be treated by increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients up into the scalp,  

  • Muscle tissues are softened and an increase in flexibility and mobility can be achieved.​

  • Muscular Injuries are eased by speeding up the healing process, reducing aches and pains.​

  • Cellulite – The lymphatic system is  stimulated and circulation is increased, this will improve the appearance of cellulite with the area looking smoother and firmer. ​

  • Arthritis - Removing excess fluid and toxins (such as uric acid and cytokines) from the area will reduce inflammation and swelling.​

  • Varicose Veins - cupping helps drain away fluids which can exert pressure onto the varicose veins, whilst preventing the formation of new varicose veins.​


Internal benefits​

Studies have shown the effects of cupping are seen as deep as 4 inches into the body,  the benefits of cupping are extensive and the increase in blood flow extends to affecting vital organs. ​

  • Immune response -  The increased blood flow sparks an immune response within the whole body.  Cupping aids in the thinning, dislodging and loosening any congestion, fluid and muscus.  Common Colds and Flu benefit from an autoimmune response, encouraging faster healing time. ​

  • Fertility - Cupping induces ovulation, balances hormones and prevents ovarian cycsts, it will also remove blockages and inflammation in the fallopian tubes.​

  • Asthma –   The increase in blood flow from cupping sends red blood cells to the lungs.  These deliver oxygen to the surrounding cells, allowing the lungs to expand more and the airways to open.  This can help reduce Asthma attacks.​

  • Metabolism –  Cupping enhances the secretion of bile and improves the appetite and metabolism, regulates bowel movements and helps prevent constipation and diarrhoea. Blood circulation to the digestive track is increased which hleps the the secretion of digestive enzymes helping indigestion. ​

  • Weight Loss / Diabetes -  The increase in metabolism can help with weight loss.  whilst regulating hormones, cholesterol and sugar in the body, which can help control diabetes.​

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Dry Cupping​


This is a deep treatment using static placing of the cups to treat targeted areas and problems.  The treated area will benefit from an increase in blood flow which encourages oxygen, fresh blood and nutrients, this in turn will speed up the healing process.  â€‹


A deep sense of relaxation and relief can be achieved and extreme tiredness or lethargy can be felt after the session is over.  Bruising, slight swelling and soreness at the sites where the cups were placed is normal and the desired effect of cupping is for the skin to show blemishes.  The darker the discolouration of the blemish the more toxins are present in the area, usually as treatments accumulate and the cause of stagnation and buildup has been drained (usually by the 3rd or 4th treatment) no discolouration is likely to occour at all.​


It is not advisable to undergo any strenuous activity for four to six hours following treatment and avoid cold weather and hot environments.​

Wet Cupping​


Wet cupping is the same as dry cupping but with a small difference.  A scalpel is used to create small scratches on the patients skin.  This act draws out stagnant blood, offering relief from pain.    ​


It is recommended that no food be consumed for 2 – 3 hours before wet cupping.​


The main reason wet cupping would be used instead of dry cupping alone are:​


  • Wet cupping stimulates the flow of blood and chi almost immediately.  Therefore it can be considered the fastest method of cupping when comparing results.​

  • Wet cupping is the most effective method for pain relief for both chronic and acute pain.​

  • Wet cupping offers long-term relief for serval aliments including flu, addiction, acne, skin disease, anxiety attacks, fibromyalgia etc​

Massage Cupping​​


Massage cupping is oftern reffered to as the 'opposite' of traditional massage therapy.  Unlike traditional massage there is no downwards pressure, the pressure is forced upwards into the cup allowing for a more comfortable deep tissue effect.​


Massage cupping is the most non-invasive and safe type of cupping and it can be tailored for use on children, adults and the elderly safely. ​


Like with static cupping a deep sence of relaxation can be achieved and extreme tiredness or lethargy can be felt once the session is over.  If marks are shown after cupping massage, it is a sign that there is muscle congestion in area and some regular treatments might be beneficial.​

Contra Indications of Cupping​


There are a number of conditions and illnesses that affect whether cupping therapy can be offered.​


Site-Specific Conditions​

These certain areas of a patient's body need to be avoided if they are affected by:​

  • Fractured or broken bone​

  • Dislocation​

  • Slipped disc​

  • Herpes​

  • Shingles​

  • Hives​

  • Eczema​

  • Psoriasis​

  • Acute Rosacea​

  • Hernia (or site of former hernia)​


Excluded Conditions​

You should not receive cupping therapy if you have:​

  • Kidney failure​

  • Cardiac failure​

  • Leukaemia​

  • Allergic purpura​

  • Any other type of organ failure​

  • Cancer that is spreading through the body​

  • Haemophilia​

  • Dermatosis​

  • High fever​

  • Radiation​

  • Extremely over or under weight​


Wet cupping exclusions​

  • Anaemia​

  • Recent surgery​

  • Recently given birth​

  • Pregnancy​

  • Pacemaker​

  • Bleeding conditions​

  • On aspirin or other blood thinning medication.​

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